Category: Blog

How to use a food diary

How to use a food diary We are often asked by our clients “what should I be eating” if I want to…. lose weight, increase muscle, bulk up, trim down, increase my energy etc. This is a great question to ask if you are wanting to achieve any health & fitness goal. Certainly what you […]

How to calculate your BMI

How (and why) to calculate your BMI Have you ever wondered how to calculate your BMI or why you should?  Many health professionals use BMI as a basic way to determine if someone is within their healthy weight range.  It has been used for many years and is a simple calculation of your height to [...]
Lady doing body weight strength exercises at home

7 things you didn’t know about exercise

7 things you didn’t know about exercise 1. Exercise cuts your risk of cancer Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who recently reviewed 52 studies of exercise and colon cancer, found that the most active people were 21 percent less likely to be diagnosed with this cancer than their least […]

5 steps to a lower GI diet

5 steps to a lower GI diet The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of foods based on how fast those carbohydrates hit the bloodstream. What is the GI? GI stands for Glycemic Index, where ‘glycemic’ is simply the scientific word for glucose (sugar) in the blood. All of the carbohydrates we eat, including starch [...]
Lady jumping against blue sky

5 Simple Tips to Increase Energy Levels

5 Simple Tips to Increase Energy Levels These 5 tips, working together, should help you when trying to salvage some energy to keep moving and progressing forward in your day. Many of us think that there are not enough hours in each day, so make the most of each and every one of them. 1 […]

ecard of procrastination

3 Things to Keep in Mind for Permanent Weight Loss

You’ll hear no argument from us that getting your head in the right place for weight loss is a challenge. As psychologists specializing in working with overweight clients, three of the areas we target with almost every client are: Perfectionism Procrastination and Prioritising Let’s take a look at each of these concepts and explore how [...]
January Goals Calendar

Welcome to the new year!

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas / New Year / Summer break and are now getting stuck back into normal life again, feeling refreshed, and motivated for the year ahead.  It feels weird writing this a month into 2017, but as so often happens at this time of year, that everything is out […]

Man Sleeping Christmas

My TOP TIPS for surviving the Silly Season

Did you know that most people actually put on 5-10 kg every Christmas that they never lose.  So to avoid that happening to you, you can follow the simple steps laid out below for the 12 days of the Christmas, New Year celebration. In General Keep up your training, homework & healthy eating routine Plan […]

National Touch Championships

What I learnt from watching kids elite sport for 5 days straight

I hope you’ve had a fabulous start to Spring and are now enjoying being active and outdoors in the sunshine again!  It’s been a busy month here at My Trainer (nothing new there) and on top of my usual business & family responsibilities I had a week in WA to factor in.  With my habits of multitasking […]

Obese Scales

The Body Paradox

In spite of growing up in a sport vacuum myself, in a town as sport mad as Melbourne it’s hard not to be swept up in the excitement that is finals footy. Whether you’re supporting the red white blue, the red & the white or filled with purple pride this weekend, it’s sure to be […]